It's a very bright day here today. This is the best shot I could get with natural lighting. At least this picture gives you some idea of the size of the quilt.
Here is a picture taken inside. The colours and lighting are just right.
Tomorrow I'll be calling Gerene to make plans to drop it off for her to quilt. In just a week or so this quilt will be ready for binding and shipping.
So there you have it! The culmination of all the love and support offered by amazing women to comfort a man they'll likely never meet. This is real power, I think, the power of compassion.
Often I get mildly frustrated when I'm not pleased with a block I'm working on. Perhaps I have to take my time to understand the pattern , or I cut the fabric to the wrong size. My least favourite task is to rip out seams so they can be redone.
All of those small things are nothing; things that will be overcome with time and practice. The aches and pains, perhaps, of the newbie quilter. Whenever I feel at all frustrated I have only to think of this project and the thousands of comfort quilt projects in the world. Then, my perspective is set right again and I'm ready to keep going.
A very special thank you again, and again and again, to all the women who made this work of art, this quilt, this HUG possible.
Thanks a hundred times,
1 comment:
Hi Dawne,
Just wondering if you ever heard anything back after this quilt was delivered? What about the throw pillow covers I made? Did they go with the quilt?
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