Now, 11 days later I'm clearly on the mend. Getting dressed is no longer as painful, I can type pretty quickly and I've begun cooking again. I have to be honest and say that being cared for, and pampered, by my husband and kids has been wonderful. Still, I'm ready to start driving again. I'm hopeful that may happen this week.
My biggest concern was not the pain. I fell and it hurt. That's no big surprise. What really concerned me was getting Danny's quilt top pieced together. In the early days of the injury I had limited range of motion and anything that required the shoulder to rotate was out of the question. Sewing was definately out of the question.
Thank Heaven for friends. Where would any of us be without them? Lorraine will likely do the lion's share of the work piecing together this quilt top. She's happily offered to do it and that is quite a relief. I am going to try to help, at least sitting at the machine, for as long as I can.
Today is an exciting day! We're meeting to begin arranging the blocks. In the next few days we'll be making the creative decisions necessary before we can begin to assemble the quilt top.
This is the part I've most looked forward to. This is the stage in the project when all the individual, lovely blocks sent to me will become a beautiful work of art. The joining together of these blocks is a lot like working with other women. Each strenthens and enhances the other.
And yes, I will be able to take photos because I'm right handed and my camera can be used one handed ;)
Until then I want to share pictures of blocks sent to me by Kathleen. Her blocks are in the mail and should arrive any day.

Here's the other:

Aren't they gorgeous? Very manly and wonderful Earth tone colours. Thank you Kathleen for sending me pictures. I can't wait to receive the blocks and see them up close. Thank you also for your very generous offer of the quilt batting. That's a rather crucial element in quilt making. :)
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