Recently I watched a television show with 2 very intelligent people discovering that they both enjoyed a 'treat' that I would firmly class as junkfood. One character looked at the other and said "They contain 11 essential vitamins and minerals". That just cracked me up at the time and has stuck with me.
So I got to thinking.....wouldn't it be cool to think of actions and/or people as containing 11 Essential VIRTUES instead?? If I could only contain 11, of the many virtues, which would I choose as most Essential?
There is no doubt that vitamins and minerals nourish our bodies. Wouldn't the virtues nourish our souls?
Ut oh.... I can feel it. Some of you are 'concerned'. I've said the 4 letter "S" word and you're frowning. Seriously, all that frowning leads to wrinkles!
Maybe I should spell it instead, sort of like using a babystep or a kid-glove?
S - O - U - L
We can certainly debate the existence of the soul at some future date. For now, humour me and allow me to state it as fact.
Working from the premise that we all have one of ......*those things*...... do we need to fear that Dawne will approach her soapbox, get on it and begin to preach? Nope. Not a chance. I just like to talk about important things, sort of like doing pushups for the mind. Keepin' in shape and all that.
It's an interesting concept - the Virtues - isn't it? It's completely a religious topic while simultaneously being completely not religious. Feel better? I sure do.
For me, virtues live firmly within religion - within EVERY religion and they live as comfortably in the realm of the intellect. We can study them philosophically (ethics) or religiously or both. We can all discuss them calmly, and with respect, completely avoiding the nonsense of conflict. (What a concept! )
You see....I know something of an open secret. Maybe you haven't heard yet so let's pass it around.
ALL the world's religions have the same virtues.
Does that mean our agnostic and atheist friends are left out? Cold and shivering on the street corner like poor Bob Cratchet before Scrooge learned generosity?? Nope.
Open secret #2
The virtues are free! No membership required. Any and all are welcome to 'em!
Isn't that a relief? We don't have to worry about it any longer and I can get on to sharing my list, Dawne's 11 Essential Virtues. Hopefully, many of you will in turn share your list. You can write it in a comment here or on your own blog. Would be nice if you would share your blog link with me so I can find it though. I assure you I'll read it.
Before I continue I must confess that I have a resource. I love, and use, The Family Virtues Guide. I've shared the link so you can see the book cover. I bought it at my regular book store after seeing a friend's copy in her home. (thanks Janice)
Don't worry if you don' have a special book on the subject. Most of us know a lot about virtue. Raised in a faith or not I'm sure you can name plenty. The book mentioned above contains 52 Virtues shared around the world in every culture, every faith. I've expanded my knowledge on the subject just by thinking about how to be a rational minded person of goodwill. The book just took the work out of it for me :)
Legal disclaimer:
Dawne is not a perfectly virtuous person, nor does she play one on tv. Pregnant and lactating women should use virtues liberally. There are no dose maximums and no minimum age for using the virtues. Feel free to use while driving and operating heavy machinery.
Side effects include: enhanced gifts of character, happier lives at home and work, laughter and joyful feelings, a greater sense of tolerance and unity and eventually true Peace. If any or all of these effects occur remain calm and call your doctor only to invite him/her to a celebration party!
Dawne's 11 Essential Virtues
(Warning, I may quote from some of my Virtues Cards. They say it better than I could. These excerpts will be marked with an * and italicized.)
1. Truthfulness
This one isn't always easy, is it? Requires daily practices but I think it makes learning the other virtues much easier.
2. Respect
Don't leave home without it! This one is a little easier. When all else fails the 'simply-keep-your-mouth-shut' approach works for me in a pinch.
3. Tolerance
"Tolerance helps us to accept differences and frees us from being judgemental. It is recognizing that all people have feelings, needs, hopes and dreams. Tolerance is an appreciation for diversity, whether of culture or temperament. It leads to unity."
4. Love
We all know a fair deal about this one. The last line from my card expresses it beautifully. *"Nurtured by commitment and seasoned by kindness, love is our greatest gift."
5. Hope
I have to tell you I find this virtue somewhat elusive. It has to be nurtured in order to grow. I'm working mightily on this one. I find this quote from Barbara Kingsolver to be uplifting. "The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof."
6. Detachment
Another 'tough one' IMO. *Detachment is experiencing our feelings without allowing them to control us. We step back and look at things objectively. We let go and accept what we cannot change."
7. Courage
*Courage transforms fear into determination. It is embracing life fully, without holding back, doing what must be done even when it is difficult or risky."
8. Charity
*Unless we are charitable, no matter how much excellence we acquire, it is without purpose. Charity springs from compassion for the suffering of others, even those we don't know."
9. Trustworthiness/Trust
For me, these are 2 sides of the same coin. Living in a way so that others will place their trust in you is one thing. Being able to trust others is another thing. I think it's important to develop them both fully and with balance.
10. Patience
We all know how hard this one can be. It does get easier with practice, though. Some of us (ahem...maybe Dawne) need more practice.
11. Peacefulness
*"Peace is giving up the love of power for the power of love."
Whew! That was harder than I thought it would be. It was surely an exercise in patience and determination as I had 'logistical difficulties' throughout the making of this post. Proof positive that we need our virtues for the big AND little bumps in the road of life.
It will be interesting to see if the above 11 are still my Essential 11 as I age. Will I feel the same as I become (hopefully) wiser and more virtuous? Who knows? It surely can't hurt to stop and take a good look at ourselves and our goals now and again.
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Dawne I don't think I could add anything to your list! I think I would have chosen the same ones.
You really said it well.
If we are afraid to speak of SOUL and love and any other virtues, then we are in danger of losing them.
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