Once again I was reminded of the generousity of women. We really give with all that we have. We give with compassion. We give our resources and we give with our wallets.
I tried to get back to my daily routine but I found myself looking at the blocks now and again. I think that's another sign of fabric addiction :o) I know my family must have been thinking 'gee, they still look the same'. For me, every time I looked I could tell more about how the block was constructed or I would appreciate some subtle nuance of the colour choice. I came to realize that looking at a quilt block is a lot like looking at any other work of art. Each time you appreciate something new about it.
Two days after the parcel from Dale Anne arrived I received another. Doreen sent two blocks - a Sunbonnet Sue and a Suspender Sam block. The decorative stitching in Sue's dress caught my eye immediately. It takes more time to work with decorative stitches than a straight stitch in a straight line.
Thank you Doreen for reminding me that women give freely of their time and the world is richer for it.

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